The Basics

How It Works

Who is Movie Pitcher?

We are a team of accredited and inspired individuals including leading industry producers, entrepreneurs, artists, programmers, analysts, lawyers and accountants that all have two things in common: a) Love of cinema, the arts and creativity and b) We all get emotional when we see people make their dreams come true. We constantly work on improving our service, promoting projects and reviewing ideas. We love what we do because we give creative people a chance to make it happen; and that’s just magic!


What does Movie Pitcher do?

We specialize in delivering the best feature film, series and TV show ideas to the Hollywood film industry; studios like Columbia, Warner Bros, Walt Disney, Universal, 20th Century Fox, Paramount as well as many others are just waiting to hear about the next best concept. Thanks to writers, directors, producers and ordinary people with great ideas, we receive hundreds of plot summaries every week which means only one thing; we have the best ideas in the market. We use our influence in order to make sure that our clients monetize their great concepts to the fullest.


How much does it cost?

We charge $99 for your initial idea submission and $69 for any additional ideas you submit. This includes registering your idea in our database, and getting your idea reviewed by a creative executive within a week. If your idea qualifies after the review, we will work with you on improving the idea if needed, we will attach a-list actors and we will pitch it to the studios on your behalf at no extra cost. There are no hidden fees, so if you are willing to invest $99 dollars in your idea, we are willing to do the rest.


Why only $99 per idea?

We get a lot of questions regarding our pricing, and the answer is simple. Good ideas are priceless, and in all honesty we would rather review your idea for less given the potential of it being a good pitch. So our policy is to have the lowest sustainable price and enable people to submit as many ideas as possible without the need to budget for it. We charge a 15% commission on the option money in order to keep a low subscription cost and to cover the pitching costs. In a way, we also invest our time an effort in order to reach our common goal that is no other than to sell your idea.


Is my idea pitched one time only?

No, pitching an idea is an ongoing process that requires good timing and persistence. A good idea for a reality show for example, might not get picked up until the right time slot on the right network is available. We do not share our competitors robotic approach of pushing something out automatically when it comes in and then drop it, since this never works. Your idea is being pitched for as long as you have your start pitching package active or until it gets sold.


Why choose us?

The chain of events is as follows:

We have real professionals reviewing peoples’ ideas, and we spend time and brain power evaluating the “pitch-ability” of each concept. We keep our clients updated of the status of their review, we communicate, and we provide solid feedback and suggestions. This makes our clients happy. They recommend us, and submit more ideas, hence we are the leading idea gathering company in the film industry.

Given that Hollywood pitching is a numbers game, we have the largest database of ideas, and our crem de la crem is by far the most imaginative, creative and pitch-able collection of ideas in the world. This makes the studios and the playmakers pay VERY close attention to what we have to say, and more often than not, our pitches prove to be a goldmine for them. Our service is considered by Hollywood producers a valuable asset that saves them time, resources, and above all it provides results.

This valuable service that we provide to producers not only improves the chances of our clients projects to get picked up, but we get to secure the maximum possible profit for them. This in turn makes our clients even happier, thus ensuring our business continuity and client satisfaction.

Finally, if you want your project to go Hollywood mainstream, why would you not choose a mainstream pitching company?


Next Getting Started